Thomaston, Maine
Lincoln county. This is a very flourishing maritime town, situated between the western entrance of Penobscot Bay and St. George's river, and comprises the celebrated peninsula of Owl's Head. It lies 36 miles S.E. from Augusta, 37 E. from Wiscasset, and is bounded N.W. by Warren. Incorporated, 1777. Population in 1820, 2,651; 1830, 4,221; 1837, 5,272.
Thomaston is the site of the State prison, which is located on the bank of the St. George. The buildings occupy a plat of 10 acres, including a marble quarry; they are all of stone, and are surrounded by a high stone wall. The convicts are principally employed in cutting granite into various forms for building, and which, when prepared, is transported by water. The granite is of an excellent quality, and is found in large quantites on the river.
Thomaston is a place of considerable maritime commerce and ship building, but the most important business of its people, is the quarrying and burning of lime, from inexhaustible ledges of limestone within its limits. There are annually made at this place, no less than 350,000 casks of lime, the same in quality and reputation as that prepared at Camden, 10 miles distant.
This manufacutre, united with those of granite and marble, give constant employment to a large number of men and vessels. Thomaston is a beautiful Atlantic town, and commands a great variety of marine scenery.