Unity, New Hampshire
Sullivan county. This town is bounded N. by Claremont and Newport, E. by Goshen, S. by Lempster and Acworth, and W. by Charlestown. It is 43 miles W. by N. from Concord and 9 S. from Newport.
Little Sugar river has its source in Whortleberry pond and Beaver meadow, in the N. part of the town, passes through its centre, and empties itself into the Connecticut at Charlestown. Cold pond, the head of Cold river, is partly in this town. From Gilman's pond, in the E. part of Unity, proceeds a branch of Sugar river, flowing through Newport. Perry's mountain is in the S.W. part, and partly in Charlestown.
Unity is an uneven township but the soil is highly favorable for grazing. It is excellent for flax, few towns in the state producing a greater quantity.
Unity was granted in 1764. It was called Unity from the happy termination of a dispute which had long subsisted between certain inhabitants of Kingston and Hampstead, claiming the same tract of land under two different grants. The first settlement was made in 1769. Population, 1830, 1,258.