Hooksett, New Hampshire
Merrimack county. It lies nine miles S.S.E. from Concord. The river Merrimack, whose course here is nearly N. and S., passes through this town a little W. of the centre. Here are those beautiful falls, known by the name of Hooksett Falls.—The descent of water is about 16 feet perpendicular in 80 rods. A high rock divides the stream, and a smaller rock lies between that and the western shore. There is a pleasant village on the W. side of the river. There is a strong and well built bridge over the Merrimack river. Hooksett canal is in this town. It is 1/4 of a mile long—the fall is 16 feet perpendicular. Hooksett was detached from Chester, Goffstown, and Dunbarton, and incorporated as a separate town in June, 1822. On the E. side of the river is an extensive cotton factory, owned by the Amoskeag Company. Population, 1830, 880.