Boothbay, Maine
Lincoln county. This town is bounded W. by the mouth of Sheepscot river, N. by Edgecomb, E. by Damariscotta river, and S. by the ocean. It is nearly surrounded by water, and is noted for its excellent harbor. Its maritime situation renders it a place of considerable business in the coasting trade and fisheries. This town lies 39 miles S.S.E. from Augusta, 12 E.N.E. from Wiscasset, 60 E.N.E. from Portland, and about 40 miles S.W. by W. from Owl's Head, by water. Boothbay is a fine watering place, and many visit it in summer months for health and pleasure. Here may be found all the enjoyments of sea air and bathing; fishing and fowling; ocean and island scenery; for which Nahant, in Massachusetts bay, is justly celebrated. Incorporated, 1764. Population, 1837, 2,562.