Sheepscot River and Bay, Maine
The head waters of this river are derived from ponds in Palermo. Its course is south through the towns of Whitefield and Alna. It meets the tide water between Wiscasset and New Castle, and proceeds to a bay of the same name. The length of the river from its source to the bay is about 35 miles. This river is valuable on account of its hydraulic power and navigable facilities.
Sheepscot Bay sets up from the sea between Boothbay and Georgetown, and receives the waters of the river. It is about 3 miles wide at its mouth and extends about 10 miles north. The whole of these waters are often called "Sheepscot River." The mouth of this bay or river bears about N.E., 6 miles, from Seguin Light, at the mouth of Kennebec river.