South Kingston, Rhode Island
Washington county. Chief town. This town was formerly a part of North Kingston and was first settled in 1670. It is the largest town in the State, comprising 98 square miles, and within its limits is the noted Point Judith. It has an uneven surface, a soil of gravelly loam, based on a granite foundation. Large quantities of grain of various kinds and of the productions of the dairy are annually sent to market from this town; also the fleeces of about 7,500 sheep. This town possesses great navigable advantages; its eastern and southern borders being washed by the Atlantic ocean and Narraganset bay. It contains a great number of fresh water ponds, and a large salt pond: one of the fresh water ponds, covers an area of between three and four thousand acres.
The fisheries on the shores and in the ponds of South Kingston are of considerable extent and value. The fish taken are principally bass, alewives, perch and smelts. Some portion of the inhabitants follow a maritime life for a livelihood.
The principal village in South Kingston is improperly called "Little Rest Hill," for it is quite a snug and comfortable place. It lies 30 miles S. from Providence, and 9 S. from North Kingston. Population, 1830, 3,663.