North Kingston, RI: population, rivers, lakes, mountains, resorts, hotels, motels, inns, and landmarks.

New England > Rhode Island > North Kingston

North Kingston, Rhode Island

Washington county. This is a wealthy township on the west side of Narraganset bay, 21 miles S. from Providence, 10 N.W. from Newport, and 8 N. from South Kingston.—The surface of the town is uneven; the soil is a gravelly loam, well adapted for the culture of grain and vegetables and the productions of the dairy. There are some forests in the town of good ship timber.—It is watered by several small streams which produce a good water power, on which are numerous manufacturing establishments. There streams afford bass and other fish in abundance. There is considerable navigation owned at North Kingston, which is employed in the coasting trade and fishery.

Wickford village, in this town, is very pleasant and flourishing: it has a good harbor, and is a place of considerable trade. It lies about 2 miles east of the Stonington railroad. Pop. of the town, 1830, 3,037.

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