Norton, Massachusetts
Bristol county. Norton was taken from Taunton in 1711. It lies 30 miles S. from Boston, 17 N.E. from Providence, and 8 N.W. from Taunton. Population, 1837, 1,530. It is well watered by Rumford, Cocasset, and Canoe rivers, which empty into the Taunton. The manufactures of the town consist of sheet copper and copper bolts, cotton goods, boots, shoes, leather, iron castings, ploughs, shuttles, straw bonnets and baskets:—total value, the year ending April 1, 1837, $397,763.
Winnicunnit pond [Winnecunnet Pond], in this town, was a great resort for the Indians, some of whom resided in natural caves, on its shores, and lived on fish and clams.