Mansfield, Massachusetts
Bristol county. This town lies 26 miles S.S.W. from Boston, 18 N.E. from Providence, and 11 N.N.W. from Taunton. It was taken from Norton in 1770, and is watered by several branches of Taunton river. The soil is thin and the surface level. Population, 1837, 1,444. There are 6 cotton and 1 woolen mills in the town, and 2 nail factories. The manufactures consist of cotton and woolen goods, nails, straw bonnets, palm-leaf hats, and baskets: total annual amount, about $110,000.
A mine of anthracite coal was discovered in this town a few years since, near the Boston and Providence rail road, which promises to be of inestimable value to the community. It was discovered in digging a well. An incorporated company has purchased the right of mining on that and several adjoining farms. They sunk a shaft which struck a vein five feet in thickness, at the depth of 20 feet, running N.E. and S.W., and dipping to the N.W. 52°. The shaft was continued 44 feet further to another vein, which extended 5 feet in thickness, and which afforded coal of a better quality than that found above.—Subsequent operations have shown that the veins are numerous, and the quantity inexhaustible. The coal is of an excellent quality, more easily broken than the Pennsylvanian, and has less polish on its surface.