Wethersfield, Connecticut
Hartford county. This town, the Indian Pyquag, was one of the first settled towns in the state. It is supposed that most of the Wethersfield settlers came round from Boston by water and arrived in July, before the Windsor and Hartford settlers, who came through the wilderness, and did not reach the Connecticut until about the 9th of November.
Wethersfield is bounded N. by Hartford, E. by Connecticut river, S. by Middletown, and W. by Berlin. It lies 4 miles S. from Hartford. Population, in 1820, 3,825; in 1830, 3,853.
Piper's river and other small streams water the town, but afford no important mill sites.
The area of the town is about 6 miles square, containing 23,000 acres. This is an excellent township of land, having an undulating surface, and exhibiting a beautiful diversity of hill and dale. The soil is generally a rich gravelly and sandy loam, but in the western part of the town, argillaceous loam prevails; and some small sections in the centre, may be considered as a garden mould. It is well adapted to grass and grain, and particularly to esculent roots. The tract of alluvial upon Connecticut river is extensive and beautiful, and very productive.
Among other agricultural interests in this town, the cultivation of onions has long held a conspicuous rank. This is an important agricultural pursuit, although it occupies but a small portion of land, and the service is principally performed by females. Wethersfield onions have long been justly celebrated, and large quantites are exported to the southern states and the West Indies for a market.