Berlin, CT: population, rivers, lakes, mountains, resorts, hotels, motels, inns, and landmarks.

New England > Connecticut > Berlin

Berlin, Connecticut

Hartford county. Taken from Farmington, in 1785. Population, 1830, 3,947. This town lies 11 miles S. from Hartford and 23 N. from New Haven. The surface of Berlin is hilly, but productive of grass, grain and fruits. There are in the town about 2,000 sheep. The villages of Worthington and New Britain are very pleasant, and the manufactures of brass, tin and other wares, where pursued, are very extensive and flourishing. The first manufacture of tin ware in this country was commenced at this place, in about the year 1770, by Edward Patterson, a native or Ireland. Mr. Patterson peddled his ware about the country, on foot, in baskets; his successors in the manufacture did the same, until the uses and value of the article becoming known, and the demand increasing, horses and wagons were employed; and thus this important manufacture of New England was transported to all parts of the country.

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