Vermont Towns: Cities, Towns, Villages, Lakes, Mountains, Rivers, Resorts, Real Estate, Realtors, MLS, and Land for Sale in Historic Vermont.

New England > Vermont > West Haven

West Haven, Vermont

Rutland county. This town was set off from Fair Haven in 1792. It lies 19 miles W. from Rutland, and is bounded W. by lake Champlain, and S. by Whitehall, N.Y.

This town is well watered by Hubbardston and Poultney rivers, and Cogman's creek; on the former of which are handsome falls and mill sites. The soil is productive of grain and grass: there is much limestone and clay in the town and a large number of sheep are annually sheared.

The site of the village is pleasant; it is a place of some trade, navigation and manufactures. Population, 1837, 724.

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