Rye, New Hampshire
Rockingham county, is pleasantly situated on the sea coast, 6 1/2 miles S. from Portsmouth. It was originally taken from Portsmouth, Greenland, Hampton, and New Castle, chiefly the latter; and though it began to be settled as early as the year 1635, it was not incorporated till 1719. The sea coast here is about 6 miles in extent, being nearly one third of the coast in the state. On the shore, there are three considerable and very pleasant beaches, viz. Sandy, Jenness', and Wallis', to which many persons resort in the summer season from neighboring towns and the country, both for health and for pleasure. There is here a small harbor, near Goss' mill, into which vessels of 70 or 80 tons burden may conveniently enter, at high water. The boat fishery is carried on to considerable advantage, particularly in the fall and winter seasons. There was formerly a large fresh water pond, lying contiguous to the sand bank or bounds of the sea, covering a surface of about 300 acres. Between this and the sea, a communication was opened by the inhabitants about a century since. The waters were discharged into the sea, leaving a tract of marsh, which, being watered by the regular flowing of the tide, yields annually large quantities of salt hay. Breakfast Hill, between this town and Greenland, is distinguished as the place where a party of Indians were surprised at breakfast, at the time of their incursion in 1696. There are small circular holes in the rocks of which this hill is principally composed, supposed to have been made use of by the natives. This town has suffered considerably in times of war and danger. In the American or revolutionary war, 38 of its inhabitants lost their lives, by sea or land; most of them young men. Population, in 1830, 1,172.