New London, New Hampshire
Merrimack county. It is 30 miles W.N.W. from Concord and 12 E. from Newport. Population, 1830, 913. Lake Sunapee separates this town from Wendell, and is the principal source of Sugar river.—There are three considerable ponds. Little Sunapee pond, 1 1/2 miles in length and 3/4 of a mile in width, lies in the W. part, and empties its waters into lake Sunapee. Harvey's and Messer's ponds, near the centre of the town, are the principal sources of Warner river. They are about a mile in length and 3/4 of a mile in breadth, and are separated by a bog, many parts of which rise and fall with the water. Pleasant pond, in the N. part of New London, is nearly 2 miles long and 1 wide. The settlements of New London are formed principally on three large swells of land. The soil is deep and generally good.—In the N. part are several elevations. In some parts the land is rocky, but there is little not capable of cultivation. New London was incorporated in 1779. Its first name was Dantzick.