Merrimack, New Hampshire
Hillsborough county, is bounded N. by Bedford, E. by Litchfield, S. by Nashua, and W. by Amherst.—It is 6 miles S.E. from Amherst and 27 S. from Concord. Merrimack river waters its E. border through its whole extent, opening a communication by water from this place to Boston. Souhegan enters this town from Amherst, pursues a winding course to the Merrimack, where it discharges itself one mile above Thornton's ferry. There are fine water privileges on this stream. Babboosuck brook, issuing from Babboosuck pond in Amherst, empties into Souhegan river, and Penichook brook from a pond in Hollis, forms the southern boundary. The soil in various places is very fertile, but a considerable portion of the land is plain. There are some fine intervales on the Merrimack. Some of the best and most extensive water privileges the county affords, about 1 1/2 mile from the Merrimack, on Souhegan river, lie unimproved.
This town claims the first discovery in this region of making what are called leghorn bonnets. They were first made several years since by the Misses Burnaps. Some of their bonnets were sold at auction in Boston for $50.
This town was formerly called Souhegan East. It was incorporated, 1746, having been settled about 13 years.
The first house in this town was erected on the margin of the river for a house of traffic with the Indians. For some time one Cromwell carried on a lucrative trade with the Indians, weighing their furs with his foot, till, enraged at his supposed or real deception, they formed a resolution to murder him. This intention was communicated to Cromwell, who buried his wealth, and made his escape. Within a few hours of his flight, a party of the Penacook tribe arrived, and not finding the object of their resentment, they burnt his habitation.
Hon. Matthew Thornton, one of the signers of the Declaration of American Independence, resided many years in this town. He died in 1803 at the age of 89. Population, 1830, 1,191.