Kennebec County, Maine
Augusta is the shire town. This county is bounded N. by Franklin, Somerset, and Penobscot counties, E. by Waldo and a part of Lincoln counties, S. by Lincoln county, and W. by Oxford county. This county is watered by numerous ponds and rivers, but principally by the noble Kennebec, which passes nearly through its centre, from which the name of the county is derived. The face of the county is undulating, not hilly: its soil is of a superior quality, producing, in great abundance, all the variety of grasses, grains, vegetables and fruits common to the climate. The unison of hydraulic power with navigable waters, which this county enjoys; its fertility, locality, and other natural advantages, render it a highly favored section of our country.—Area, about 1,050 square miles. In 1837 this county contained 101,238 sheep, and produced 186,876 bushels of wheat. Population, 1837, 62,375: 59 inhabitants to a square mile.