Salisbury, Connecticut
Litchfield county. The Housatonick and Salmon rivers give this town a great and constant water power. The surface of Salisbury is formed by lofty elevations and deep valleys; but the soil is excellent for all sorts of grain and pasturage. The valleys are generally limestone and the hills granite. The number of sheep kept here in 1837, was 8,999.
"Salisbury Centre," a pleasant village, is 58 miles N.W. from New Haven, 50 W.N.W. from Hartford, 22 N.W. from Litchfield, and 34 N.W. by W. from Hudson, N.Y. Population, 1830, 2,580. The Indian name of the town was Weatog. It was first settled by the whites in 1720.
Salisbury has long been celebrated for its excellent iron ore and iron manufactures. The guns on board our favorite frigate, "Old Iron Sides," used by Truxton in the capture of the L'Insurgente, were made at the old furnace in Salsbury.