Preston, Connecticut
New London county. This is an irregular, uneven, rocky town, of a pretty good soil for corn and grazing. It is bounded W. and N. by the Thames and Quinnebaug rivers; 44 miles E.S.E. from Hartford. First settled, 1686. Population, 1830, 1,935. Poquetannuck, an ancient village, lies partly in Preston and partly in Ledyard. It has a water power, and small vessels pass within a short distance of it. Many of the inhabitants are employed in navigation, and considerable ship timber is taken from there down the river. Preston City lies in the eastern part of the town, 5 miles E. from Poquetannuck, and 6 E. from Norwich. Near this village is "Amos lake," a handsome sheet of water, and a place of resort for parties of pleasure.