Groton, New Hampshire
Grafton county, is bound N. by Rumney, E. by Hebron, S. by Orange, and W. by Dorchester. It is 10 miles S.W. from Plymouth, 45 N.W. from Concord, and 15 S.E. from Hanover. The north part is watered by a branch of Baker's river, and the southerly part has several small streams, which fall into Newfound lake. There is but one pond of any consequence lying wholly within this town, and that is situated about a mile N.E. of the meetinghouse. Groton was granted July 8, 1761, to George Abbot and others by the name of Cockermouth. It was re-granted, about five years afterwards, to Col. John Hale and others, and the first settlement was commenced in 1770. Incorporated by the name of Groton, Dec. 1796. Population in 1830, 689.