Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire
Cheshire county. Fitzwilliam lies 13 miles S.E. from Keene, 60 S.W. from Concord, and 65 N.W. from Boston. Camp and Priest brooks, running in a S. direction, are the principal streams. South pond, 230 rods long and of various width, Sip's pond, 200 rods long and 100 wide, Rockwood's pond and Collin's pond, are the only natural collections of water. The surface of this town is hilly: the soil is rocky. There is a considerable quantity of very productive and highly valuable meadow land. The soil is suitable for grazing and tillage. Beef, pork, butter and cheese are the staples. The farmers have of late turned their attention to the raising of sheep. Near the centre of the town is a large hill, remarkable for the beautifully romantic prospect it affords. Gap mountain, which at a distance appears to be a part of the Monadnock, and on which are found various kinds of stones suitable for whetstones, lies partly in Troy and partly in the N.E. part of Fitzwilliam. Population, 1830, 1,229.