Fitchburgh [Fitchburg], Massachusetts
Worcester county. The township was first granted by "the Great and General Court of His Majesty's Province of Massachusetts Bay, Nov. 4, 1719." The township thus granted included the territory of some of the neighboring towns. The town was incorporated in 1764. A large branch of the Nashua and two smaller streams pass through the town, and afford it an extensive and constant water power. Over the Nashua, in the distance of two miles, are eleven dams for the accommodation of manufactories. This a very flourishing town, and exhibits in a striking manner the effect of water power on the increase, wealth, and respectability of many of our interior towns. There are many valuable mill sites at this place still unimproved. In the immediate vicinity of the principal village is an immense quarry of excellent granite. This town lies 47 miles W.N.W from Boston, 24 N. from Worcester, 30 W. by S. from Lowell, and 60 N.E. from Springfield. There are in Fitchburgh 4 cotton, 3 woolen, and 2 paper mills. The manufactures for the year ending April 1, 1837, amounted to $429,640. The manufactures consisted of cotton and woolen goods, paper, leather, boots, shoes, hats, scythes, bellows, palm-leaf hats, straw bonnets, chairs, tin and cabinet wares. The surface of the town is hilly, but the soil is strong and productive. Population, 1830, 2,169; 1837, 2,662.