Amonoosuck Rivers, New Hampshire
Upper and Lower. The Upper Amonoosuck rises in the ungranted lands north of the White Mountains, and passing N.E. into Dummer, approaches to within a few miles of the Androscoggin; thence turning abruptly to the S.W. it pursues that direction and falls into Connecticut river near the centre of Northumberland. Its whole length is about 50 miles. The valley of the Upper Amonoosuck is 7 or 8 miles in breadth, and more than 20 in length; it is scooped out with great beauty, the surface gently rising to the summits of the mountains on the N. The Lower Amonoosuck rises on the W. side of the White Mountains, and after running a course of 50 miles, falls into the Connecticut just above Haverhill, by a mouth 100 yards wide. At the distance of two miles from its mouth, it receives the Wild Amonoosuck, a stream 40 yards wide, and, when raised by freshets, very swift and furious in its course. The waters of the Amonoosuck are pure, and its bed clean; the current lively, and in some places rapid. The valley of the Lower Amonoosuck is about half a mile in width, and was probably once the bed of a lake, its S.W. limit being the rise of ground at its foot, over which the waters descended in their course to the Connecticut. There is a fine fall in this river about 6 1/2 miles from the Notch of the White Mountains, where the descent is 50 feet, cut through a mass of stratified granite.
¶ In more modern times, gold has been found in the Wild Ammonoosuc River near Swiftwater, New Hampshire.