Brewster, Massachusetts
Barnstable county. This town was the Indian Sawkatucket. It was taken from Harwich in 1830, and took its name from Elder Brewster, one of the first settlers of Plymouth; a man of great learning and piety, who died, 1644. In common with all the towns on Cape Cod, a large number of ship-masters, sailing to foreign ports, belong here. From three ponds in the town, covering about 1,000 acres, a never-failing stream of water is produced, on which are a cotton mill, carding mill, machine shop and other small mills. The value of the manufactures of cotton goods, boots, shoes, leather, axes, chairs, cabinet and tin wares, lampblack, Epsom and common salts, amounted, in one year, to $52,072. Product of the cod and mackerel fishery, $9,050. Brewster lies on the north side of the Cape, 16 miles E. by N. from Barnstable, and 6 N.N.W. from Chatham. Population, 1837, 1,534. Here are about 1,000 sheep.