Amherst, Massachusetts
Hampshire county. The college and village in this town are on elevated ground and command a very beautiful prospect of the surrounding country. Amherst was taken from Hadley and incorporated in 1759. Population, 1837, 2,602. It lies 7 miles E. by N. from Northampton, 108 S. from Dartmouth college, and 82 miles W. from Boston. There are good mill sites in this town on two streams, which empty into the Connecticut at Hadley. Its manufactures are various, consisting of woollen cloth, boots, shoes, leather, hats, paper, chairs, cabinet ware, tin ware, axes, ploughs, palm-leaf hats, carriages, wagons, (large and small) joiners' planes, stoves, steel hammers, pistols, and bowie knives. Total annual amount of manufactures, about $200,000.