Brunswick, ME: population, rivers, lakes, mountains, resorts, hotels, motels, inns, and landmarks.

New England > Maine > Brunswick

Brunswick, Maine

Cumberland county. This town is on the S. side of Androscoggin river, and connected with Topsham by a substantial bridge. It is 27 miles N.E. from Portland, 30 S. of Augusta, and S.W. from Bath. Population, in 1830, 3,747; and in 1837, 4,136. It lies at the head of the tide waters, where vessels of 400 tons are built. Vast quantities of timber and logs descend the Androscoggin to this place, and lumber of all kinds is sent to Bath in gondolas, or transported by land to the sea board. A rail-road, of about 4 miles in length, is contemplated, for the transportation of lumber. There are 30 board saw mills at this place, exclusive of those in Topsham. Two cotton and woolen factories were erected here, but they were both burnt in 1824. Another factory was built in 1834, calculated for 4,000 spindles. It is of stone, five stories high, and 174 by 45 feet. Other factories are contemplated. This place, possessing such an exhaustless water power, and situated on navigable waters, and on a large and beautiful river, extending 140 miles into the heart of a fertile and healthy country, cannot fail of very soon becoming one of our largest manufacturing towns.

Brunswick was first settled in 1627, and incorporated in 1739. It has been the scene of much savage aggression.

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