Woodbury, Connecticut
Litchfield county. The settlement of this town commenced in the year 1672; in 1674, it was incorporated.
This is a good grazing township; the soil is generally warm and fertile. Between four and five thousand sheep are annually sheared in Woodbury.
The village is situated in a pleasant valley, and watered by a number of small streams, which form the Pomperaug. It is surrounded by high hills on every side, forming a kind of amphitheatre, which renders it strikingly romantic. The village contains some handsome buildings, three satinet, one tin and two nail factories. This place lies 25 miles N.W. from New Haven, 36 W.S.W. from Hartford, and 15 S. from Litchfield. Population in 1830, 2,049.
Bethel Rock, near the village of Woodbury, is about forty feet in height, and projects over 3 or 4 feet, forming a kind of shelter from the wind and rain. There is a fine grove near it. This spot is frequently visited; it excites solemn and pleasing impressions.