New Canaan, Connecticut
Fairfield county. This town was taken from Norwalk and Stamford in 1801. It lies 5 miles N.W. from Norwalk, 37 W.S.W. from New Haven, and 50 N.E. from New York. Population, 1830, 1,826.—The surface of the town is rough and mountainous; the soil is a hard, gravelly loam, but generally productive. The manufacture of shoes is carried on to a considerable extent; the annual value is about $400,000.
An academy was established here in 1815, and has acquired a high reputation. It stands on an elevated and commanding situation, having a fine prospect of Long Island Sound and the intervening country. Pestles and other Indian implements have been found at the north part of the town, which probably was the resort of the natives. Excavations in solid rock, one large enough to contain eight gallons, are found; there were doubtless Indian mortars.