Windsor, Vermont
Windsor county. Windsor was first settled in 1764. Its surface is uneven, but there are few parts of it unfit for cultivation. It contains large tracts of alluvial meadow, and the uplands are generally fertile. Mill brook waters the south part of the town, and furnishes it with excellent mill sites. The manufactures of the town are numerous and valuable. The agricultural interests are also valuable: 10,000 sheep are annually sheared in the town, and many neat cattle, horses and productions of the dairy are annually transported to its various markets.
This town has become the centre of an important commerce, both from the river and a fertile interior country. The favorable position of Windsor, as a place of trade, was early discovered, and it has been fortunate in possessing a succession of men, who, by their enterprise and wealth, have rendered it one of the most flourishing towns on Connecticut river.
Windsor is situated on the west side of that delightful river, 55 miles S. by E. from Montpelier, 105 N.W. from Boston, 55. N.E. from Bennington, 95 S.S.W. from Burlington, and 127 miles above Hartford, Ct. Population in 1820, 2,956; 1830, 3,134.
The village of Windsor is on elevated ground, on the bank of the river: it is compactly, and somewhat irregularly built, and very beautiful. There are but few villages in our country which make a more delightful appearance. It contains a great number of handsome dwelling houses, and stores. Some of the private houses, churches and other public buildings are in a style of superior elegance. This is the site of the Vermont State prison. The streets are wide and beautifully shaded. The scenery around Windsor is highly picturesque; from the high lands across the river, in Cornish, which is united to Windsor by a bridge, or on the Ascutney at the south part of the town, some of the best landscapes in our country are presented to view.