Vermont Towns: Cities, Towns, Villages, Lakes, Mountains, Rivers, Resorts, Real Estate, Realtors, MLS, and Land for Sale in Historic Vermont.

New England > Vermont > Johnson

Johnson, Vermont

Lamoille county. Johnson was first settled in 1784 by a revolutionary hero of the name of Samuel Eaton. Mr. Eaton frequently passed through this township, while scouting between Connecticut river and lake Champlain; and several times encamped on the same flat which he afterwards occupied as a farm, it being a beautiful tract of intervale. Like many other settlers of this state, he had many difficulties to encounter. In indigent circumstances, and with a numerous family, he loaded his little all upon an old horse, and set out in search of that favorite spot which he had selected in his more youthful days. He had to travel nearly 70 miles through the wilderness, guided by the trees which had been marked by the scouts, and opening a path as he passed along. He depended, for some time after he arrived at Johnson, entirely upon hunting and fishing for the support of himself and family.

The river Lamoille enters this township near the southeast corner, and running westerly about two miles, through a rich tract of intervale, falls over a ledge of rocks about 15 feet in height into a basin below. This is called M'Connel's falls. Thence it runs northwesterly over a bed of rocks, about 100 rods, narrowing its channel and increasing its velocity, when it forms a whirlpool and sinks under a barrier of rocks which extends across the river. The arch is of solid rock, is about eight feet wide, and at low water is passed over by footmen with safety. The water rises below through numerous apertures, exhibiting the appearance of a boiling pot.

The surface of this township is uneven, being thrown into ridges, which are covered with hemlock, spruce and hard wood. The soil is a dark, or yellow loam, mixed with a light sand, is easily tilled, and very productive. The alluvial flats are considerably extensive, but back from the river the lands are in some parts rather stony. In the northeastern part has been discovered a quantity of soapstone.

The village, in Johnson, is very pleasant, and contains a number of mills, for the manufacture of various articles. Johnson lies 28 miles N. by W. from Montpelier, and 6 N.W. from Hyde Park. Population, 1830, 1,079.

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