Hartland, Vermont
Windsor county. Timothy Lull was the father of this flourishing republic. He took his family from Dummerston, up Connecticut river about 50 miles, in a log canoe, in 1763. He landed at the mouth of a beautiful stream, called Lull's Brook. His nearest neighbors were more than 20 miles distant. He commenced a settlement on Lull's Brook, and, after acquiring a handsome property, died there at the age of 81. Timothy Lull, Jr., was the first child born in the town.—On the occasion of his birth, a midwife was drawn 23 miles on a hand sled.
This is a rich farming town, pleasantly diversified by hills and valleys. Hartland produces many cattle: ten thousand sheep graze in its pastures. It lies on the west bank of Connecticut river. Waterqueechy river, at the N. part of the town, and Lull's Brook, at the S., give it a water power of great value. On these streams are neat villages and flourishing manufacturing establishments. Hartland lies 50 miles S.S.E. from Montpelier, and 9 N. from Windsor. Population, 1830, 2,503.