Sandwich, Massachusetts
Barnstable county. This town is very pleasantly situated on the shoulder of Cape Cod, 12 miles S.W. from Barnstable, 30 E. from New Bedford, and 53 S.E. from Boston. Incorporated, 1639. Population, 1830, 3,367; 1837, 3,579. Sandwich is watered by a number of streams which afford a good water power; and by numerous ponds, some of which are large, affording a variety of excellent fish. The forests afford an abundance of deer, and to the lovers of rural sports, Sandwich and the neighboring towns of Barnstable and Falmouth have justly become favorite resorts. The value of the manufactures of the town for the year ending April 1, 1837, amounted to $382,248. They consisted of glass, ($300,000) leather, nails, vessels, salt, iron castings, stoves, &c. The value of the New England crown glass has been fully tested and found to be as clear and stronger than any other now in use. Sandwich has a good harbor, and about 20 sail of coasting and fishing vessels.
It is proposed to unite Massachusetts and Buzzard's bays by a ship canal through this town. The distance is five miles and the route level. A glance at Mr. Hale's excellent map of New England shows most conclusively the immense advantages to be derived by such a work.