Chelsea, Massachusetts
Suffolk county. This town was formerly a ward of Boston. Incorporated, 1738. Population, 1837, 1,659. The centre of the town lies from Boston about 3 miles N.E., across Charles river, and 3 miles E. of Charlestown. The manufactures of Chelsea consist of upholstery, stone ware, snuff, segars, wood and copper engravings, carriages, bricks, vessels, salt, boots, shoes, &c;—annual value, about $90,000.
The United States Marine Hospital in this town is on a large plot of ground, in a delightful and airy situation, and affords a comfortable retreat for sick and disabled seamen. Point Shirley, extending southeasterly, forms the northern part of Boston harbor. Winnesimet Ferry, leading from the foot of Hanover street, in Boston, to this town, is probably the oldest establishment of the kind in America. The first grant was given to Thomas Williams, in 1631. The distance across the Charles river is about a mile and a half. Neat and commodious steam-boats are continually running across this delightful stream, making the Winnesimet of the Indians the Hoboken of Boston.