Andover, Massachusetts
Essex county. This town lies on the south side of the Merrimack river and is well watered by the Shawsheen river; and by Great Pond and Hagget's Pond, covering an area of 721 acres. It is 20 miles N. by W. of Boston, 15 N.N.W. of Salem, 10 E. of Lowell, and 43 S.S.E. of Concord, N.H. This town was first settled in 1643. Incorporated, 1646. Population, 1837, 4,878. This town has a valuable water power, which is used for manufacturing purposes to a great extent. The value of its manufactures, for the year ending April 1, 1837, amounted to $624,450. They consisted of woolen goods, boots, shoes, leather, flax, soapstone, machinery, tin and cabinet wares, chairs and hats. This is a very beautiful town of fine soil and under excellent cultivation. It is on high ground and commands a variety of beautiful landscape. The access to Andover from Boston by the railroad is easy and very pleasant. This town has long been celebrated for its literary and theological institutions. There is no place in New England better situated for seminaries of learning.