Bucksport, Maine
Hancock county. This town lies on the E. side of Penobscot river, 15 miles below Bangor, 61 N.E. by E. from Augusta, and about 18 W. by N. from Ellsworth. It has a fine harbor for vessels of the largest class, and which is seldom obstructed by ice. The soil is good and the town is watered by a number of ponds and streams. Considerable shipping belong to this place, and the trade is quite extensive, particularly in the lumber business. It has some manufactures. From 1792 to 1816, Bucksport was called Buckstown. This is a very beautiful town, elevated, healthy, and flourishing. It is situated just above the head of Orphan's island, on which a fort is to be erected. Population, 1830, 2,237; 1837, 2,825.