Newtown, Connecticut
Fairfield county. This town was incorporated in 1708. It is watered by Patatuck river, the Indian name of the place. It lies 25 miles W.N.W. from New Haven, 10 E. from Danbury, and 22 N. from Fairfield. Population, 1830, 3,100.—The surface of the town is hilly; many of the eminences are extensive and continuous. The soil is principally a gravelly loam, generally fertile and productive. It is well adapted to the culture of grain, and is also favorable for fruit, there being many valuable orchards in the town. The borough if Newtown is beautifully situated on high ground; it commands an extensive prospect and contains some handsome buildings.
The flourishing village of Sandy Hook is situated about 1 1/2 miles N.E. of the central part of Newtown, at the foot of a rocky eminence or bluff, from the top of which is a fine prospect of the surrounding country. A fine mill stream (the Patatuck) runs in a northerly course through the village, at the base of the cliff, which rises almost perpendicular to the height of 160 feet. Near a cotton factory, at the northern extremity of the village, some traces of coal have been discovered. The village contained, in 1834, 1 cotton, 1 hat, 1 comb and 2 woolen factories. There was also 1 machine shop, and 1 establishment for working brass.