Madison, CT: population, rivers, lakes, mountains, resorts, hotels, motels, inns, and landmarks.

New England > Connecticut > Madison

Madison, Connecticut

New Haven county. This town was taken from Guilford in 1826. It lies on Long Island Sound, and embraces what is called Hammonasset Point. This town lies 18 miles E. by S. from New Haven and 33 S. from Hartford. Population, 1830, 1,809. The soil of the town is stony, and naturally hard to cultivate; but it is made quite productive of corn, rye and potatoes by the use of white fish, ploughed in.—These fish appear in the sound about the 1st of June, and continue 3 or 4 months. They are taken in great quantities and are considered an excellent manure. They were first thus used about the year 1798.—About 10,000 of these fish are considered a good dressing for an acre of land.

This place has a small harbor and some navigation. Ship building is the most important mechanical pursuit.

The Hon. Thomas Chittenden, for many years governor of Vermont, and his brother Ebenezer Chittenden, a gentleman of great mechanical genius, were natives of this town. The former was born in 1730 and died in 1797.

The following is the inscription on a monument in the grave yard, in memory of an old sea captain.

Though Boreas' blasts and Neptune's waves
Have toss'd me to and fro,
In spite of both by God's decree
I harbor here below,
Where I do at anchor ride
With many of our fleet;
Yet once again I must set sail
Our Admiral, Christ, to meet.

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