Vermont Towns: Cities, Towns, Villages, Lakes, Mountains, Rivers, Resorts, Real Estate, Realtors, MLS, and Land for Sale in Historic Vermont.

New England > Vermont > St. Albans

St. Albans, Vermont

Shire town of Franklin county. This town is bounded on the west by Champlain lake. It lies 46 miles N.W. from Montpelier, and 25 N. from Burlington. First settled about the year 1783. Population 1830, 2,395. The soil of this town is fertile, and under the management of good farmers, is rendered very productive. In 1837 there were 8,459 sheep in the town, and the exports of wool and other productions of the soil are large and valuable. The water communications by the lake to New York and Canada, render St. Albans a mart of considerable trade from the surrounding country. The first vessel from Lake Champlain, that arrived at New York, by the northern canal, was from, built and owned at St. Albans.

The Village of St. Albans is beautifully situated on elevated ground, and commands a fine prospect. It contains many handsome buildings, and is a busy place in the manufacture of various articles. It lies three miles from the lake, and twelve miles from the line of Canada.

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