Vermont Towns: Cities, Towns, Villages, Lakes, Mountains, Rivers, Resorts, Real Estate, Realtors, MLS, and Land for Sale in Historic Vermont.

New England > Vermont > Hew Haven

New Haven, Vermont

Addison county. The soil of this town is various, consisting of marl, clay and loam, and is generally productive. The waters of Otter creek, Middlebury river, and Little Otter creek give the town a good water power. There are some manufactures in the town, but agriculture is the chief pursuit of the inhabitants. New Haven lies 30 miles W.S.W. from Montpelier and 7 N.W. from Middlebury. First settled, 1769. Population, 1830, 1,834.

And today...

New Haven today is home to the Addison County Field Days.

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